Film Korea Grand Prince 2018
Grand Prince (2018) is a television series Drama Historical Political Romance of South Korea that tells of a woman who was trapped in a bloody romance with two princes. This drama tells of a man who will kill even his sister to get the object of his love, the woman who wants to keep the world from a distance, and the pure desires and feelings they experience. The lie between the royal brothers is intertwined with love and hatred. There is a fierce rivalry between the noble ladies in claiming the queen's highest position.
The young lady, named Sung Ja-hyun, is loved by everyone and is the daughter of a prestigious government official. He is so famous for his beauty that he has prospective applicants marching from all over the country while competing for his hands. He inherited his father's scientific personality; He has a strong sense of compassion and truth, and handles things with passion.
Grand Prince (2018) is distributed by TV Chosun. The film is directed by Kim Jeong-min-III, with Jo Hyun Kyung applying as a story writer and script. Cast for the main characters in the movie include: Jin Se Yeon as Sung Ja Hyun. The film premiered in South Korea in January 2018.
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